Introduction: The programs offered by Indic Foundation (InFo) serve as a foundation to a successful life for a commoner and an expert, alike and could be termed as the progressive journey of discovery from self to Self.
Strong conceptual understanding and usage of tools, techniques and applications used in modern day coaching would be imparted during the program. The unique blend of ever relevant ancient wisdom and today's coaching industry needs make this a practical program.
The 3 programs offered by InFo on Indic Life Coaching are:
Associate Indic Life Coach (AILC): 63 hours
Professional Indic Life Coach (PILC): 144 hours
Master Indic Life Coach (MILC): 540 hours
Lifelong Learning: AILC & PILC would also pursue Continuing Education Programs (CEP) i.e. 12 hours every year from a source that is vetted by Indic Foundation. The advisory board at InFo would be happy to receive recommendations of individuals & organizations who you deem fit to be considered for CEP.
Graduates would have access to CEP conducted by InFo which would be on a donation basis. So once someone enters the portals of Indic Life Coaching, lifelong learning should be one of their life mottos.
Understanding & outgrowing that which limits us: The programs are completely denomination free as they are designed to facilitate understanding and practice of one's own belief system / religion / faith, better and deeper. At the same time it would the courage to discard the non-essentials that our respective beliefs / faiths / religions, culture or upbringing may have knowingly or unknowingly programmed into our psyche.
Unique aspects
Techniques perfected by Masters & Adepts (the Siddhas) would be shared to build a healthy body and mind through which you can realize and enjoy the fruits of achievements.
The sure step towards self-mastery is assisted through the understanding & implementation of the concept of Dharma in all walks of your life.
The scientifically validated ancient practice of Yoga Nidra that is specifically aimed at helping you to relax, rejuvenate and realize certain cherished goals in life that you may have. Self confidence arising out of achieving personal goals would stay than mere intellectual understanding.
Standard study material would be provided but learning in the sessions is not limited by it as the participants would be introduced to the traditional method of unfolding the subject instead of being subjected to series of presentations.
Daily assignments to understand and internalize the concepts discussed during the session would become like the daily journal of life.
Post the programs: You would be trained & coached to share whatever principles and processes you learn, through our dedicated team of fellow seekers. It is highly recommended that you stay with the practice group for life.
Do write to us at for any specific queries that you may have.